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Exodus Chapter 24 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Exodus chapter 24 summary began as Elohim (God) summoned Moses Aaron, Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu along with seventy elders of Israel to worship God in the mount.

Moses finished telling the people all the words of God and all of God’s judgments, and the people agreed to obey the LORD’s word. Then Moses performed the ritual of the agreement, which was as followed; he sprinkled them with the blood of burnt offerings and peace offerings of oxen.

Moses then took the book of the covenant and read it aloud in the audience of the people. Once again, the children of Israel agreed to all the words and covenant. After this, Moses and the 73 elders went up to God and they saw the God of Israel.

Exodus Chapter 24 Summary

It is noted that under the God of Israel’s feet were like the work of a sapphire stone and it was as clear as heaven. They also ate and drank with the God of Israel and the LORD did not lay His hand on them.

It was also here where Moses was given the tables of stone God had written Himself for Moses to teach the people. Moses then went into the cloud and met with God forty days and forty nights.

This is the summary of Exodus chapter 24, glory to Yah the Highest.


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