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Deuteronomy Chapter 11 Summary


Deuteronomy Chapter 11 Summary

Deuteronomy Chapter 11 Summary

Chapter 11 continues from the storyline in chapter 10, with an admonition to keep God’s charge all the way.

Lots of people quit things, so God reminds them to go all the way.

Moses reminds the children of Israel that he is speaking to them to keep God’s commandments and not their children who did not witness the mighty acts God did from Egypt up to the moment of his speech to go possess the land.

Those who witnessed, should know better. The thing is, this land the Lord God cares for; His eyes are always upon it, Moses exclaimes, from the beginning to end of the year. Therefore, Moses warns to listen diligently to God’s commandments.

Do not let your mind deceive you to go serve other gods. Bind the Word of the Lord into the soul, Israel is told, and teach them to your children all the time.

If Israel diligently serves the Lord, God promises that every inch of the land would be theirs, from the wilderness to Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even to the uttermost sea; it all will be their coast.

No man will be able to stand before them and God will lay fear in the hearts of men and dread towards the children of Israel.

God sets a blessing and curse before them; a blessing if they obey the commandments of God, and a curse if they do not obey the commandments of God.

Seems like it should have been a very easy choice and decision.

We pray the Father to add blessings to the reading and doing of His Holy Word through His Son Jesus the Messiah. Amen!

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