Welcome back to our chapter summaries, this is Deuteronomy chapter 33 summary! It began sort of like a recap of Moses’ life and all the things he accomplished. He was regarded as a king over the people, although he wasn’t an official king.
But ah, what this was, was prophetic writing of the return of the Lord. How the Lord would come from (Mount) Sinai and rise up from (Mount) Seir. The Lord would also have ten thousands of saints with with Him (so the intro wasn’t about Moses).
Then the chapter goes into an official blessing and prophecy for each tribe. It began with the tribe of Reuben who would live and become great in number. This was followed by the tribes Judah and Levi, which are always together. Judah gathered and ruled, Levi was the lawyer and possessor of the Thummim and Urim.
Deuteronomy Chapter 33 Summary
Levi also taught Jacob God’s judgments and law. Joseph and Benjamin were blessed and received the precious things of the earth. The chapter concludes with proclamations of God’s greatness. “There is none like the God of Israel, He is the eternal God with everlasting arms thrusting out the enemies of Israel.”
With God, Israel will dwell in safety and their enemies will be destroyed. This is the summary of Deuteronomy chapter 33!
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