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Chapter Summary: Deuteronomy Chapter 12 Summary

Deuteronomy chapter 12 summary is about the one place and one way to worship God. The chapter began with Israel’s instructions upon possessing the land; they were commanded to destroy all places where the previous occupants of the land served their gods.

They were to overthrow their altars, break their pillars, burn groves, and hew down graven images. In all, they were suppose to utterly destroy the names of those people out of that place. Israel was warned not to do whatsoever came to their mind or whatsoever appeared right to their own eyes.

Deuteronomy Chapter 12 Summary

This was what the other nations did before them. The Israelites were commanded to bring their offerings to the place the Lord chose and they were to rejoice before their God, along with their family and workers, and the Levite in their gates.

Israel had to be careful not to perform their own burnt offering anywhere they wanted. They could, however, kill and eat any animal they wanted for their own personal consumption, as in a dinner a cookout.

It did not matter who ate it, whether they were clean or unclean. The burnt offering had to be sacrificed and offered by a priest and eaten by the priests. The blood of any animal was always off limits as far as for consumption.

No vampires in Israel!

The chapter ends with a bottom line; do not do as the nations before them (Israel) did and perform what the God of Israel commands. Perform it neither adding to it or taking away from it. This is the summary of Deuteronomy chapter 12; praise ye the Lord.


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