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Chapter Summaries: Genesis Chapter 26 Summary

Genesis chapter 26 summary begins with the story of Isaac and Abimelech. A famine in the land causes Isaac to have to go into the land Gerar at God’s command. The Lord God told him he would be blessed because his father kept God’s charge.

His father Abraham also obeyed God’s commandments, statutes, and laws. Isaac found himself in the same situation his father Abraham was in while in the land of Gerar. He feared the Philistines didn’t reverence God’s ways and laws and would kill him in order to have his beautiful wife Rebekah.

Genesis Chapter 26 Summary

He told the men of Gerar his wife Rebekah was his sister. However, the men of Abimelech spotted Isaac kissing his wife Rebekah; thus they found out he was actually her husband. They rebuked him because he could have caused them to sin against God. Oh, so they did have some reverence towards God’s ways.

Isaac planted in the land and the Lord blessed him a hundred times over in the harvest. He became very rich in the land. The Philistines began to be very envious of him. He was asked to leave the country because he was much mightier than they were. So he left, but wherever he went, the herdsmen of Gerar strove with Isaac’s herdsmen.

Finally, Abimelech came to Isaac with an apology. They made a treaty of peace, not to harm each other and to be friends. They feasted and went their ways. The chapter ends with a now 40-year-old Esau, who took on two wives from among the Hittite people, and this upset his parents greatly.

This is Genesis chapter 26 summary!


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