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Chapter Summaries: Exodus Chapter 5 Summary

Exodus chapter 5 summary continues the revolution of the Hebrews against the oppression of the Egyptians. It’s a shorter chapter so the summary will be brief.

Moses and Aaron ventured back into Egypt and met with Pharaoh to declare their desires. Pharaoh immediately declared he did not know of a “Yahweh,” the God of Israel, and rejected their petition.

He did not take their request graciously either. The request made the work or burdens of the children of Israel much more difficult. He made the Israelites burdens so harsh, insomuch, they thought to kill Moses for even attempting to deliver them.

Exodus Chapter 5 Summary

They had to work harder and could not diminish their production. Moses returned to the Lord asking ‘what’s up with that’? Moses thought he was going to walk in and walk out with the Israelites.

Since he’d been back, the people have been treated even worse, he told the Lord. We may all learn a quality lesson here about overnight success.

This is the summary of Exodus chapter 5.


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