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Genesis Chapter 49 Summary: Chapter Summaries

In Genesis chapter 49 summary, and yes, we’re nearly done with the book of Genesis, the blessings of Jacob are poured. All the sons of Jacob were given individual prophecy of what their offspring will deal with or have in the latter days.

Reuben was excellent, yet unstable and thus wouldn’t excel. Simeon and Levi were cruel brothers who would be divided and scattered in Israel. Judah was whom the brothers would praise and Judah’s hand will be in the neck of his enemies.

The scepter and lawgiver will not depart from Judah or go from between his feet. This is because through Judah the Lord Jesus Christ came; thus the scepter will not depart from Judah, neither will a lawgiver from between His feet. Jesus Christ endtime prophecy was given in Judah’s prophecy.

Genesis Chapter 49 Summary

Zebulun would dwell by the seashore and do business by the sea. Issachar became a servant to tribute, Dan would judge his people, and Gad would overcome in the end.

Asher’s bread would be fat, good enough for a king, and Naphtali would give good wise words. Joseph was fruitful with great branches that overflew. Although he was attacked and hated, he still abode in strength. He remained strong by way of the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.

Lastly, Benjamin would become a raving wolf, in the morning he will devour, and in the evening he will divide the spoil. The chapter ends with Jacob joining the ancestors. In the end, Jacob gave up the ghost after directing Joseph to bury him next to Leah in the cave of Machpelah.

And this is the summary of Genesis chapter 49. Direct all praises to the Mighty God of Jacob.


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  1. Adu Emily Adu Emily

    Almighty God richly bless you. I’m also happy to always reading and studying the Bible. Thank you!

    • Adu, love your name; may the ALMIGHTY bless and keep you and your household in the name of the LORD our Christ.

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