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We Cannot Speak Unto Thee Bad Or Good

Enrichments and peace … this is an Online Bible Study Supplement Source – today we have a subject titled, We Cannot Speak Unto Thee Bad Or Good!

When things come from the Great Creator, they are good and we feel good about it. We may say, “The Creator has certainly enriched me, praise the Creator.” When bad things come in our direction, we seldom say, “The Great Creator has cursed or afflicted me this day, praise His Name.”

We are people who are more readily able and willing to take the good from the Great Creator’s hand and not the bad. “Eternal Father, You can keep the bad stuff.”

Nevertheless, both good and bad proceed from the Great Creator, as we have read from plenty of accounts, such as Job, and seen in our modern lives. At the end of the day, we are His children and must receive what it is He has for us.

Our children receive from us the things we give, sometimes we strengthen their resolve. We as parents, mentors, and coaches make things harder on purpose so they can figure things out. Guess what, we must do similar towards the Great Creator. I mean, what can we do with a judgment from the Almighty?

When a bad judgment was pronounced against King Hezekiah’s sons, Hezekiah responded by saying, “Good is the word of the Almighty which thou hast spoken. For there shall be peace and truth in my days (Isaiah 38:8).”

The Thing Proceedeth from the Almighty

Hezekiah took the prophetic message on the chin. The king of Juda had a way of taking a negative and turning it into a positive because it had to be good if the thing proceeded from the Almighty. It is a strange way to look at things because some things in our lives appear bad, yet they came from the Great Creator.

In the scripture I’m looking at today, Abram sent his servant back to his hometown of Mesopotamia, to seek a wife for his son Isaac. The servant was given instructions but was nervous. Upon reaching Mesopotamia, the servant prayed to the Great Creator to make it very clear, his trip and outcome.

He wanted the Great Creator to send the woman to him gift-wrapped with a bow. Surprisingly, that is exactly what the Great Creator did; the Almighty rolled Rebeka to the servant as if it were out of a dream. As the servant then relaid the story to every one of Rebeka’s family, their response was, “The thing proceedeth from the Almighty.”

In fact here is the rest of the scripture:

Genesis 24

50 Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from the Almighty: we cannot speak unto thee bad or good.

They said the thing proceeds from the Great Creator, and we cannot speak bad or good of it because, “it is, what it is, and it is from the Almighty.” I’m sure they were not 1000 percent happy with it because they would be losing a daughter/sister, a humble helper in the household, and more.

Nevertheless, they were happy for their daughter/sister because she was getting married, and in those days women were alot more excited they were getting married and starting a family than they are today.

The Thing Proceedeth from the Almighty Good or Bad

They couldn’t speak good or bad about it because it came from the Great Creator. There are scriptures we read that we may not have much feelings for. However, my friend, we have to deal with it. We have to deal with it neither speaking good or bad about it because the thing proceedeth from the Almighty.

So remember, we have to be able to take the bad and the good from our Eternal Father. This is how we strengthen our resolve and refine ourselves to become pure.

This post is sponsored by AKOPPI! Geo Locations in the Bible have been provided by European institutions. Also by individuals who rarely included Africa in the history of the Biblical story.

We have done extensive research trekking across Africa to find pertinent Geo Locations specifically mentioned in the scriptures. If you want to know these, get a hard copy of Africa is the Land of Shem Today. Be one of the first to learn if this is theory or Truth!

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Power be with you.

Minister Koko

Consul General, AKOPPI

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  1. Bruce Seymour Bruce Seymour

    Good and Bad!!! Some things seem to be of our own doing, but not so.

    God “The Creator” has allowed it.

    I have children, Grandchildren ,and Great Grandchildren.

    Many have strayed, but am glad to have them all.

    God IS IN CONTROL!!!!!



    • Hey brother Bruce; the Almighty is in control is correct. Stay patient, they will find their way back.

      Min Koko

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