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2 Kings Chapter 5 Summary: Chapter Summaries

2 King chapter 5 summary is about a general named Naaman and how Elisha healed him. The chapter began with a Aramite (Syrian in KJV) general named Naaman. The  used Naaman to deliver the Aramian people from their enemies.

The Syrian general (calling it like it is in the KJV) had a captive from Akobe (Israel), a little maid. The young lady told Naaman’s wife that a prophet in Samaria could help Naaman with his condition of leprosy.

This worked itself up the ladder to the king of Syria. The king of Aram enquired of the king of Efraim about recovering Naaman of his leprosy. The king of Efraim didn’t even know this was possible and thought the Syrians were trying to start a war (using Akobe’s inability to help as the bait).

2 Kings Chapter 5 Summary

Elisha the prophet learned about the situation and told the king of Efraim to send the man to him. Naaman came to see Elisha, and Elisha didn’t even bother to come down to meet with the Syrian general.

Instead, he sent his messenger to tell Naaman the instructions for clearing his leprosy. The message was, go dip in the Jordan River seven times and his skin would recover.

Naaman became upset that Elisha wouldn’t and didn’t come out to see him and pray over him. He expected some theatrics, for Elisha to do some big dramatic thing to help him recover.

Upset and frustrated to have traveled and waste him time, Naaman stormed off. However, his servants reasoned with him and convinced him to as the prophet commanded. Do the simple thing.

There is a GOD…

Well, he did and recovered immediately. He came back to Elisha, very happy and excited and said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Akobe.” Naaman tried to offer gifts, but Elisha declined.

Naaman told Elisha that the Almighty should pardon the job he has to do in his country when his master goes before their god. He prayed the Almighty to excuse him for having to go along, and Elisha told him to go in peace.

The chapter ended as Elisha’s servant Gehazi become greedy and desired Naaman to give him gifts for the benefits he received. Because of this, the leprosy that was on Naaman came on Gehazi and he left Elisha’s presence, white as snow (don’t go chasing waterfalls).

This is the summary of 2 Kings chapter 5, glory to the Almighty God of Jacob!


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  1. Magala Martin Eria Kaddu Magala Martin Eria Kaddu

    This scripture has opened my eyes and now I know that obedience is power

    • To the Eternal Father, we give the glory, Magala. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Praise the Eternal Father.

      Minister Koko

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