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1 Samuel Chapter 29 Summary: Chapter Summaries

1 Samuel Chapter 29 Summary started with the Philistines as they set themselves to battle against Israel. David and his Hebrew company were setting out with Achish. However, there was a problem.

The king of Gath was told by his men to not allow David to fight. They reasoned that David could have a change of heart during battle and desire to reconcile with Saul and Israel.

The Philistines reminded Achish that David is a staunch warrior, capable of large kills. They reminded the king of the song attributed to Saul and David; the lyrics mentioned how Saul killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands.

1 Samuel Chapter 29 Summary

People don’t get songs like that unless they have done some heavy duty killing. They told the king, this is where the name Killmonger comes from… okay we’re only kidding about that one. David wasn’t the original Killmonger.

So Achish told David he couldn’t fight with him, even though he had been like an angel of God with Achish. Since he couldn’t fight, David and his company went back to the land of the Philistines. Short chapter.

This is the summary of 1 Samuel chapter 29, glory to the LORD of Israel.


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