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1 Samuel Chapter 24 Summary: Chapter Summaries

1 Samuel Chapter 24 summary began as Saul settled the conflict with the Philistines and returned to his quest to kill David. David was in the wilderness of Engedi in a cave, and Saul’s men were with him on the opposite side.

During this time Saul and his men fell asleep hard and David’s men caught him and they desired David to kill him. The son of Jesse refused, he only cut a piece of Saul’s robe and later felt bad that he did that.

David commanded his men that they should not kill Saul because he was still God’s anointed captain. David then spoke to Saul (now out of his slumber) and told the king how he could have killed him and his men, as his fellows asked him to do.

1 Samuel Chapter 24 Summary

However, David said he could not put his hands on his lord and the LORD’s anointed. David did, however, say the LORD would avenge him, but he would not personally do any hurt to Saul.

Saul began to cry and confessed that David was more righteous than he. Well Duh! Saul also realized and admitted to David that he would certainly become king and the kingdom of Israel would become David’s.

Saul only asked David to vow that he would be kind to his seed after him and not destroy his name from his father’s house. David vowed and agreed as they departed. Saul went back home, David and his men back to their strongholds.

Apparently, David still did not trust Saul nor Saul’s, men. This is the summary of 1 Samuel chapter 24, glory to the Almighty God.


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One Comment

  1. melanie melanie

    if there is anyhing to be noted from learning about david in these chapters in his growth during these super hardships he’s going throu, is that he consults God and he is in obedience to Him!

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