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History: The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III

Study Topic: In the Days of These Kings Part 1

The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III (BSM) is devoted to bringing you the full scale of the Bible. We wish to do so from the large scale to the minute details. Part of studying the Bible is to include the historical value of the scriptures to help relate it to today’s world.

Historical value also plays a great role in allowing us to learn from the past. It also allows us to realize things that often seem mythical, and register them as true reality. This historical piece is on the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III.

The black obelisk of Shalmaneser III is a black limestone Assyrian sculpture with many scenes and inscriptions on it. It was discovered in Nimrud, Iraq (yes that is probably the old capital of the biblical figure Nimrod).

The reason they call it the black obelisk of Shalmaneser III, is because it commemorates the deeds of one King Shalmaneser III. He ruled from 858-824 BC. The black obelisk is on display at the British Museum in London, while several other museums have made replicas.

It is the complete Assyrian obelisk discovered and it features some of Israel’s biblical kings. The most popular are king Jehu. Scholars have argued it could have been king Jehoram instead.

History Brings More Reality

King Jehu’s name is also found in official Assyrian manuscripts and chronicles. He certainly had much to do with neighboring nations during his reign (which can be read about in 2nd Kings chapter 9:13).

Our history account today helps bring us some purpose and insight; on the reality of the kings of Israel and Judah. If you’re ever in London, or live there now, visit the British Museum, and view it.

It also helps if you learn or understand Paleo Hebrew. This way you’d be able to read a lot more of the obelisk and really get in tune with history, even biblical history.

Here is wikipedia’s account on the Black Obelisk, there are many more online to view also.

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  1. Betty Kinney Betty Kinney

    Thank you for history. This was news to me.

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