2 Samuel Chapter 20 summary commenced with a continuation of the aftereffects of that fierce argument between the ten tribes and the house of Judah. A man named Sheba, a Benjamite, declared himself king over the ten tribes.
David decided to nip all the uprisings in the bud before it got to the size of Absalom’s revolt. To do this, the king sent Amasa and Joab to crush Sheba. In the pursuit, Joab, who was still upset that David made Amasa the top general, slyly set Amasa up and killed him.
2 Samuel Chapter 20 Summary
Joab was an example of a good-bad-guy. The speculation from Joab’s point of view probably came into play because he worked for Absalom (during the ousted time). Nevertheless, Joab and his men continued to pursue Sheba.
They came to a city Sheba was hiding in, and they were going to destroy the entire city, until… A wise woman in Israel talked to the people to have Sheba’s head thrown out. They actually had him killed and tossed his head over.
Joab and his men then headed back to Jerusalem. They successfully nipped the uprising of Sheba in the bud and restored order back to the kingdom. This is the summary of 2 Samuel chapter 20, glory to Honor.
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