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Understanding The Stumblingblocks Of Disobedience

Welcome to, your online Bible Study supplement source. Today we have a study of Jeremiah’s prophetic words towards Juda and Jerusalem regarding stumbling blocks. Understanding Jeremiah 6:21: The Stumblingblocks of Disobedience. Here is what the actual verse says:

Jeremiah 6:21 (KJV):

“Therefore thus saith the Almighty, Behold, I will lay stumblingblocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them; the neighbour and his friend shall perish.”

Context of Jeremiah 6

This verse appears in the book of Jeremiah, where the prophet delivers a series of warnings to the people of Juda. Jeremiah had been called by the Almighty to declare judgment on Juda due to their persistent disobedience, idolatry, and rebellion. Despite repeated warnings, the people refused to repent and continued down a path of corruption and sin. The Almighty Creator, through Jeremiah, forewarns the consequences of their hardened hearts and the impending judgment that will befall them.

What Does This Verse Mean?

“Behold, I will lay stumbling blocks before this people…”

In this opening part of the verse, the Almighty declares that He will place stumbling blocks in front of the people. In the context of scripture, a stumbling block represents something that causes people to trip or fall, to stumble. It is often metaphorically describing an obstacle to spiritual progress or righteousness. Here, the Almighty is warning that because of Juda’s persistent disobedience, He will bring about situations or consequences that will lead them to ruin. These stumbling blocks are divine judgments or hardships meant to reveal their sin and bring about their downfall or cause them to fall.

The fact that the Almighty Himself is laying these stumbling blocks highlights that this is not just a natural consequence of their behavior, but a direct intervention. It is comparable to when Apostle Paul says, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11).”

The people’s refusal to follow the path of righteousness has brought them to this point. This point is where the Almighty will actively cause them to confront the consequences of their choices. These stumblingblocks could come in the form of foreign invasions, internal strife, or moral and spiritual confusion, all of which would hinder their ability to thrive.

“…and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them…”

This part of the verse emphasizes the widespread nature of the judgment. Not just one generation, but fathers and sons alike will fall. It reflects a total collapse, with families experiencing the same judgment as a result of the collective disobedience of the nation. Apples do not fall far from the tree, and children do not behave differently than their parents.

The phrase highlights how deeply ingrained the sin and rebellion had become. It had been so ingrained it affected not just individuals, but entire families and communities.

Fathers, representing the older generation, and sons, the younger generation, are both implicated in this judgment. This is a sobering reminder that the consequences of sin and rebellion often extend across generations. It affects all those connected to the rebellion and disobedience.

“…the neighbor and his friend shall perish.”

This section further accentuates the communal impact of this judgment. The judgment will be so widespread that not only will families suffer, but so will communities. This is both neighbors and friends. This creates an image of a society that is completely devastated. No one is spared, regardless of their relationship!

The failure of one part of the community to obey the Almighty’s commands affects all those around them. This is a reflection of the interconnectedness of sin and its consequences within a society. When disobedience becomes systemic, it leads to the downfall of everyone, even those who might not be directly responsible.

Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were some of the brightest young men of the Kingdom of Juda. They were beloved by the Almighty, but still, they were carried from Jerusalem to Babylon captive. Why? They were systemically connected to the rebellious people of Juda, who caused the captivity.

Key Takeaways:

The Consequences of Persistent Disobedience:

This verse shows that there comes a point when persistent rebellion against the Almighty leads to divine judgment. The stumblingblocks placed before the people are symbolic of the consequences of their refusal to follow His commandments. The Almighty gives ample warning, but when those warnings go unheeded, judgment becomes inevitable.

There are times when prophets or peers come to assist you, deliver you, but you stumble. You stumble because a block was placed there to make sure of your fall because of your sin.

Generational and Communal Impact of Sin:

The reference to fathers, sons, neighbors, and friends all falling together highlights how sin affects not just individuals, but entire families and communities. Disobedience spreads like a contagion, affecting multiple generations and layers of society. It is a reminder of how serious and far-reaching the consequences of sin can be.

Stumbling blocks as Divine Discipline:

The stumbling blocks are not merely obstacles, but also instruments of divine discipline. The Almighty allows these difficulties and judgments to reveal the sinfulness of the people and to call them to repentance. However, if repentance is not forthcoming, these stumbling blocks will lead to their downfall. This serves as a reminder that the Almighty’s judgments are just, and they come as a result of prolonged defiance and spiritual neglect.

For example, when Jerusalem was going to be torn down by the Babylonians, the prophets were sent to warn the people and the princes. Most of the people did not heed the prophets; they listened instead to false prophets. These false prophets said Jerusalem can never be destroyed. They believed a lie and because they were in sin, they stumbled on the truth and fell in the destruction of Jerusalem.

When it is stated today that two of the biggest stumbling blocks taught in scriptures are vast, it is ignored. Two of the biggest are who the children of Akobe (called Jacob in the KJV) are today, and where the original land given to Abram is. These will become huge stumbling blocks for billions of people in the very near future.

The Ultimate Perishability of Rebellion:

The closing phrase—”the neighbor and his friend shall perish”—paints a bleak picture of the ultimate outcome of persistent rebellion. This perishing is not merely physical death, but a complete destruction that includes spiritual ruin. It is a stark warning that rebellion against the Almighty, if not repented of, leads to both physical and spiritual desolation. We’ve seen it with Cain and many others who refused to repent.


Jeremiah 6:21 is a powerful warning about the dangers of persistent disobedience and rebellion against the Almighty. The stumblingblocks mentioned in the verse are symbolic of divine judgment. This Divine judgment is brought about by the people’s refusal to follow His ways. The impact of sin and rebellion is not limited to individuals. It spreads across generations and communities, leading to widespread ruin.

This verse challenges us to examine our own lives and communities, reminding us that rebellion against the Almighty has serious and far-reaching consequences. However, it also offers hope—if we recognize the stumblingblocks as opportunities to repent and return to the Almighty, we can avoid the devastating judgment that follows unrepentant disobedience.

I pray you find strength so you stumble not, today and forever. Until next time, Power be with you.

Minister Koko

Teaching Priest, BSM

There is no peace, saith my Creator, to the wicked.

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As always, be strong and very courageous.

Minister Koko


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