Barak may have delivered the people in battle, but two women were the true catalyst to overthrowing Canaan at this time. These women made it happen; Deborah, and Jael. Jael was the wife of a man named Heber who was from the Kenite tribe.
Jael killed Sisera by driving a tent nail through his temples while he slept. Sounds gruesome, but it delivered Israel from the king of Canaan. God subdued Canaan that day the Israelites prospered and prevailed against Jabin, king of Canaan.
It did not take long for the children of Israel to fall away from the LORD. Once again, the LORD allowed the nation of Midian to control Israel for seven cruel years. It was economically cruel for Israel during this time, but it was once again the result of turning from their Sovereign LORD.
The LORD Almighty sent an angel to Ophrah that belonged to Joash and his son Gideon. They were from the Abiezrite clan from the family of Manasseh, who belong to the house of Joseph. The angel told Gideon that the LORD was with him, especially since he is a mighty strong warrior.

(Continue the Story…)
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