Welcome to BibleStudyMinistry.com, your online bible study supplement source. Today, we are looking at the subject of unrighteous judgment of mankind and humanity. Let’s dive in.
Lesson: The Injustice of Human Judgment – The Choice of Barabbas Over the Anointed Prince of Juda
Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:16-26 (KJV)
Key Verses:
“And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Your Prince which is called Christ? For he knew that for envy they had delivered him… The chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Your Prince… They said, Barabbas… Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Your Prince which is called the Anointed? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.”
Introduction: The Injustice of Human Judgment
The account of Barabbas and the Anointed Prince during the trial before Pilate highlights one of the most profound examples of the failure of human judgment. Faced with the choice between releasing a known criminal and murderer, Barabbas, or the Anointed Prince, who was innocent and had spent His ministry healing, teaching, and advocating for righteousness, the people chose Barabbas. This choice was not merely a miscarriage of justice. It revealed the deeper truth about human nature. This truth is this, when left to their own devices, people often choose evil and reject what is good.
1. The Unjust Choice of Barabbas Over the Anointed Prince
Barabbas vs. the Anointed Prince: A Study in Contrast
Barabbas was a notorious prisoner, known for being a rebel, thief, and murderer. He represented the very embodiment of lawlessness and violence. On the other hand, the Anointed Prince of Juda represented truth, justice, mercy, and love. The Son of Mans’ entire life and ministry were about bringing healing, setting captives free (both spiritually and physically), and teaching the ways of the Almighty.
Pilate gave the people a choice and it seemed obvious which man should be released. The Roman Governor knew that the son of Joseph and Mary was innocent and that the charges against Him were born out of envy. However, the chief priests and elders, motivated by their own motives, fears and hatred of the Anointed Prince, persuaded the crowd to demand Barabbas’s release. They called for the crucifixion of the the Anointed Prince of Juda. This tragic decision reflects humanity’s tendency to reject righteousness and truth in favor of comfort, convenience, and conformity to evil.
In addition, when decisions are needed, the motives of the individual play a very important role. The chief priests and Pharisees were attempting to keep their office. The message of the Anointed Prince almost always kicked their office in the teeth. There is a conflict; the leaders (chief priests and Pharisees) are in power to steamroll rule over the people. The people aren’t innocent either. The people are somewhat complicit because they should overthrow such leadership and stand up for righteousness.
However, when people are motivated by an unrighteous leader or leadership group, they stand to lose their position in society. Hence why the people voted to destroy the just Anointed Prince in place for a murderer and thief.
Example in Scripture: The Choice of Saul Over David’s Righteousness
The story of Saul and David further illustrates the injustice of human judgment. King Saul, in his jealousy and fear of losing power, chose to pursue David; a man after the Almighty’s own heart. Saul the king pursued him with murderous intent. Despite David’s innocence and loyalty, Saul’s judgment was clouded by envy, fear, and pride. Much like the crowd’s choice of Barabbas, Saul’s unjust pursuit of David shows how human judgment often fails to recognize and value righteousness.
In addition, when the people saw the treatment of Saul towards David, no one jumped in. Instead David was called a traitor or “Another servant trying to break away from his master.”
I should not say no one defended David but there is little scripture to support anyone doing their best to keep Saul from his ill-treatment of David. The only one on record is perhaps Saul’s son, Jonathan. The judgment of men is not sound; it wasn’t then and isn’t now.
2. The Influence of Leaders and the Crowd Mentality
Persuasion of the Chief Priests and Elders
The chief priests and elders played a critical role in influencing the crowd. They manipulated public opinion, persuading the people to choose Barabbas over the Anointed Prince. This shows how easily human judgment can be swayed by influential voices, particularly those in positions of authority. Rather than seeking justice, the leaders fueled hatred and division, guiding the crowd away from the truth. Think about politicians today and social influencers; and how they can make good evil and evil good.
Modern Parallel: The Influence of Corrupt Leadership
In modern times, we see similar patterns where leaders manipulate public opinion, often leading to gross injustices. Politicians, media, and other influential figures can sway public perception. This very often leads people to support unjust causes or vilify innocent individuals. A historical example is the Salem Witch Trials, where fear, hysteria, and manipulation by leaders led to the wrongful condemnation and execution of innocent people accused of witchcraft.
3. Human Judgment vs. Divine Justice
Pilate’s Dilemma: The Weakness of Human Authority
Pilate’s actions during the trial reveal the weakness of human authority. Though he recognized the Anointed Prince’s innocence and tried to reason with the crowd, he ultimately gave in to public pressure. His washing of hands symbolized his attempt to absolve himself of guilt. However, it also highlighted the failure of human judgment when it prioritizes self-preservation over truth and justice.
Biblical Example: The Rejection of Samuel’s Warnings About Kings
When the House of Jacob (Akobe) demanded a king to rule over them like other nations, the prophet Samuel warned them of the consequences. These consequences included oppression and injustice from the very kings they would choose. Despite these warnings, they insisted, rejecting the Almighty’s direct leadership in favor of flawed human rulers (1 Samuel 8:6-22). This decision led to a series of kings who often acted unjustly, showcasing how humanity’s judgment is frequently driven by desires and fears rather than wisdom.
Divine Justice: A Higher Standard
The judgment of men is often clouded by personal biases, fears, and sinful desires. Unlike human judgment, divine justice is perfect, impartial, and righteous. The choice of Barabbas over the Anointed Prince is a stark reminder that human judgment is deeply flawed and cannot be trusted to uphold true righteousness. It also points us to the need for Divine Guidance, to seek the Almighty’s wisdom rather than relying on our own understanding.
4. Examples of Unjust Human Judgments Today
Real-Life Example: Wrongful Convictions
In our legal systems, wrongful convictions are tragic examples of unjust human judgment. Innocent people are sometimes sentenced to prison or even death due to faulty evidence, false witness testimony, or corrupt practices within the judicial system. These cases often reveal a reliance on flawed human judgment rather than truth and justice.
Modern Societal Choices: Valuing the Wrong Things
Society often elevates those who promote greed, violence, and deceit while rejecting voices of peace, truth, and justice. Popular culture glorifies celebrities who embody destructive lifestyles, while often ignoring or ridiculing those who advocate for righteousness and moral living. This mirrors the crowd’s choice of Barabbas—choosing what is harmful over what is good.
Landing: Seeking Divine Wisdom Over Human Judgment
The account of Barabbas and the Anointed Prince is not just a historical moment; it is a powerful lesson about the nature of human judgment. Humanity’s tendency to choose evil over good, driven by envy, fear, and manipulation, reveals the need for divine wisdom and justice. We are reminded that our judgments are limited, flawed, and often unjust.
As stewards, sons, and daughters of the Great Creator, we are called to seek the Almighty’s wisdom. We are called to uphold truth and justice, and to resist the influence of those who would lead us astray. Let this story be a sobering reminder to trust in the Almighty’s perfect judgment. Also to strive for righteousness in a world that often chooses otherwise.
This post is sponsored by AKOPPI! Geo Locations in the Bible are incorrect. Suspiciously and surprisingly, every major geo-location in the Old and New Testaments can be found in Africa in near-perfect proportions.
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Minister Koko
Consul General, AKOPPI
I bet Barabbas got out stole a truckload of things, murdered a few people who voted him out, and created havoc that isn’t reported in the scriptures.