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The Stability Of Times And Strength Of Salvation

A Word From God today is from Isaiah 33:6 (KJV) and it says:

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure.”

Welcome to, an online Bible Study Supplement Source, let us supplement our spirit today with this scripture.


Wisdom and Knowledge as Stability:
During challenging or uncertain times, wisdom and knowledge provide a foundation of stability for you. The “wisdom” and “knowledge” here refer to a discernment of the Almighty’s ways, His will, and His truth. In practical sense, this is the older generation’s words falling onto your ears. That is wisdom. The knowledge is the know-how to get through the circumstance or challenge. This will keep you stable.

When people align themselves with this divine wisdom, they gain stability amidst the instability of the world.

Strength of Salvation:
Salvation is linked to strength, implying that true security and deliverance come from the Almighty’s saving power. Those who possess this wisdom and knowledge discern the Almighty’s plan for salvation, which becomes their source of strength in times of trouble. How do you save yourself from something like heart disease? Wisdom, knowledge, and the strength to avoid the foods and activities that plague the heart.

The Fear of the Almighty as a Treasure:
“The fear of the Almighty” refers to reverence, awe, and respect for the Almighty. This fear is not a fear of punishment, but a deep reverence that leads to obedience and faithfulness. There is a person in the world that you have so much respect for, you do not want them to see you without as much as your hair unkempt. This is the level of reverence one must develop and maintain for our Eternal Father.

This “fear” is described as a “treasure,” which suggest that this reverence for the Almighty is precious and valuable. It provides both spiritual richness and guidance for living a righteous life.


Isaiah 33:6 is a wonderful reminder that in times of uncertainty or turmoil, the wisdom and knowledge of the Almighty bring stability and strength. Pause in times of challenges and reflect, draw from aged wisdom, knowledge, and the strength of the Almighty. True salvation and security come from a deep comprehension of His ways and reverence for Him. The fear of the Almighty is depicted as a priceless treasure, leading to life and enrichments for those who hold it.

I pray you find stability and strength, today and forever. Until next time, Power be with you.

Minister Koko

Teaching Priest, BSM

There is no peace, saith my Creator, to the wicked.

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As always, be strong and very courageous.

Minister Koko


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