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The Sixth Seal Connected to Matthew 24 Series

Matthew Chapter 24 begins with Jesus and his followers leaving the temple. He warns them that the temple, like all earthly things, will be destroyed. When Jesus and his disciples are alone on the Mount of Olives, the disciples ask Jesus to tell them more about how they will recognize the end of the age.

Jesus teaches them that they should take care not to be deceived by people who falsely claim to come as His representative after He has left the earth. He tells them that, although many terrible things will happen that will alarm them and cause them to think that the world is ending, these will not be true signs.

The events he predicts include wars, famines, and earthquakes. He tells them that the disciples themselves will be hated, tortured, and killed because of their devotion to Jesus. He explains that many of his followers will fall away and betray the rest and that false prophets will come and deceive many. We have quite a bit of deception to swift through, don’t we?

Matthew 24 and the Sixth Seal

Jesus teaches that those who stay true to Him and His teachings will be saved and that the world will not end until the good news of God’s kingdom is proclaimed to the whole world. But, when the world does end, it will be violent and sudden, like lightning. His followers must not waver or turn back, but continue to follow God’s teachings, which is the law of the Gospel.

In short, they must continue to love their neighbor as they love themselves. They must practice EVERYTHING He taught them (for us in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7). He advises them they must not deviate from what He himself has taught them even if false prophets give seemingly credible signs. Christ predicts signs like the darkening of the sun and the moon and then tells them He will return in glory.

He says he will send his angels to gather His true followers to Him. Though the world will pass away, His teachings will remain the true guide for their survival. And finally, Jesus tells them that only God the Heaven Father knows when the end of the world will come, so they should be ready at any time and always live in the way He has taught them.

This Chapter is Connected to Revelation 6:12

In this way, they will be sure of eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. In this chapter, the signs at the end, the sun and moon, and stars connect to Revelation chapter 6, specifically, verse 12. Thus, we’ve created a study that will walk us through this chapter and connect it all to the 6th Seal in the book of Revelation.

This is part of a 95-page ebook or PDF you’ll be able to download for free or read on our website.

God bless, Godspeed, and may the Father in Heaven bless you with all things good.


Elder Ishe / Brthr Nhmyh


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