The children of Israel were not in their traditional cities or even countryside lifestyle they were living in, while in Egypt. This culture shock, dwelling in the wilderness, took a toll on them. The LORD ALMIGHTY prepared to give the children of Israel the land of Canaan, which was already fully dressed.
Only the Canaanites still occupied, and the children of Israel grew impatient, disgruntled, and outright offensive (towards God).
The Israelites began to complain and murmur to Moses, which in reality they were really complaining and murmuring to the LORD God of Israel. It strongly displeased both Moses and more importantly, the LORD, yet the Almighty suffered it so.
Complaining and Murmuring
The LORD God met with the entire congregation of the children of Israel on Mount Sinai. God introduced Himself as The Sovereign LORD and King of the nation Israel. He gave them the Royal Covenant, which today is known as the Ten Commandments.
The ALMIGHTY then declared that if the children of Israel kept His Covenant and obeyed His voice, even they would become a peculiar nation to Him. They would be above all the nations in the earth. They would become a kingdom of priests to the LORD, a Holy Nation.

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