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The Depths Of Satan That They Should Believe A Lie

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Bible Study: Understanding Strong Delusion in 2nd Thessalonians 2:11

Scripture Focus: 2 Thessalonians 2:11 (KJV)

“And for this cause Almighty Creator shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”


In 2 Thessalonians 2:11, the Apostle Paul wrote about a time when the Almighty will allow people to be deceived and believe falsehoods. Why would He do this? This verse can seem perplexing at first glance. Why would the Almighty send strong delusion? Does it mean that He actively misleads people? To understand this, we need to explore the context of Paul’s letter, look at supporting scriptures, and examine how the Almighty’s justice, mercy, and patience work together in relation to human choices.

1. The Context of 2 Thessalonians 2:11

Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians deals with the “man of sin” or the “son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). This is often interpreted as the Antichrist or a great deceiver who will rise to power in the last days. Paul warns that before the Anointed Prince of Juda (Christ) returns, there will be a great rebellion against the truth. People will follow this lawless one because they refuse to love the truth.

Key Insight: The “strong delusion” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 is a response to the deliberate rejection of the truth. Those who choose to reject the truth of the Almighty’s Word and follow their own desires are given over to their deception. In essence, the Almighty allows them to believe a lie as a form of judgment. This is because they have persistently refused to accept His truth. They consistently stumble on stumbling blocks, and by they, this could very well be you!

Additional Scripture:

2 Thessalonians 2:10 (KJV): “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”

This verse preceding 2:11 highlights the reason for the strong delusion: they refused to love and accept the truth that could save them.

2. The Role of Delusion in Judgment

1st Kings 22:22 provides a powerful parallel to Paul’s statement in Thessalonians. In this passage, the prophet Micaiah reveals that a lying spirit was sent to deceive King Ahab. The Almighty allowed this deception to occur because Ahab had consistently rejected truth and sought his own ways. This story shows that when people harden their hearts and refuse Divine Holy Counsel, the Almighty may allow them to follow their own path to destruction.

It’s very creepy that well-intentioned Bible believers could find themselves in a pool of spiritual blood because of their habit of keeping to whatever was fed to them. They flee from reasoning and cannot recognize the Almighty’s teachers and true priests.

Key Insight: The strong delusion is not arbitrary—it’s a consequence of persistent rebellion. Just as Ahab was given over to deception because he rejected the word of the Almighty, Paul’s warning to the Thessalonians is that those who reject the truth will be allowed to follow falsehood. Essentially, the Creator gives us what we persistently crave and worship. If it is lies you want, lies you will receive.

Supporting Scripture:

1st Kings 22:22 (KJV): “And the Almighty said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so.”

This passage reveals that when people reject the truth, they open themselves up to deception as a form of Divine judgment. The Almighty doesn’t cause people to sin, but He allows them to walk down the path they’ve chosen. We can never blame our Eternal Father for making us do something. One day we will realize every choice we made in this life and the one before were made solely by us.

3. Delusion as a Consequence of Idolatry and Self-Deception

Isaiah 44:20 describes the futility of idolatry and the self-deception that comes with it. Those who trust in false gods or man-made systems become blinded to the truth, unable to see their error. They feed on ashes, believing in things that cannot save them.

Key Insight: The theme of self-deception runs through both Isaiah and Paul’s writing. Those who turn away from the Almighty’s truth, whether through idolatry or other false beliefs, are given over to their delusions. The Almighty allows this as part of His judgment because they have chosen to believe a lie rather than submit to His truth.

Supporting Scripture:

Isaiah 44:20 (KJV): “He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?”

Isaiah highlights how deep self-deception can go when someone clings to falsehood. The delusion becomes so strong that they no longer recognize the lie they are holding onto.

4. The End-Times Delusion and the Rejection of Sound Doctrine

Paul continues this theme of delusion in 2nd Timothy 4:4, where he warns that in the last days, people will turn away from sound doctrine and seek out teachers who tell them what they want to hear. This rejection of the truth in favor of comforting lies parallels the strong delusion mentioned in 2nd Thessalonians.

Key Insight: People often prefer lies to the truth. Women rather hear, “That’s a cute dress,” than to be warned, “That dressed is too provocative for this occasion!”

The comforting lie is more pleasing to the ear. Thus people prefer lies because lies seem more palatable and convenient. The delusion sent by the Almighty is a result of people’s refusal to accept difficult truths. Some people rest on the thought that there is no way their governments or religious institutions would lie to them. They prefer instead to follow teachings that align with their desires. This leads to spiritual blindness and worse, self-deception.

Supporting Scripture:

2nd Timothy 4:3-4 (KJV): “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

This passage reinforces the idea that rejecting truth leads to deception. When people turn away from sound doctrine, they open themselves to falsehoods and spiritual delusion. Lies told over and over make even the truth appear delusional.

5. Choosing Truth Over Delusion

The strong delusion Paul writes about is not the Almighty misleading people for no reason. Rather, it is a consequence of persistent rejection of truth. The keywords here are “persistent rejection.” The Almighty allows those who refuse to accept His Word to fall into deception as part of His righteous judgment. This is why it is so important for believers to love the truth and remain rooted in sound doctrine. We must do this no matter how uncomfortable it is.

As a teacher of the scriptures for over twenty years, I still feel like Ezekiel. When Ezekiel was commanded to go to the House of Akobe and tell them about their naughty ways, he had much reservations. It wasn’t until the Almighty told him their blood would be on his head that he mounted up the courage. This shows clearly that truth is hard to share because people want to be comfortable.

There is a large percentage of the world who are too uncomfortable to tell a friend or stranger they have an ugly large goo hanging from their nose.

My friend, if the Almighty states He will cut off or not admit those with ugly large gooey boogers hanging from their noses, how many of you will open your mouths and tell them of their circumstances? Most people will make large gooey boogers hanging from the nose a new fashion trend. They may even begin a campaign stating “Gooey boogers are human too!”

Key Insight: The remedy to delusion is a love for the truth. Those who seek the truth with a humble heart will not be deceived. However, those who reject it will inevitably fall into the delusions they have chosen.

Additional Scripture:

John 17:17 (KJV): “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

The Word of the Almighty is the ultimate safeguard against deception. When we are rooted in His Word, we are protected from the lies and delusions of the world.

Proverbs 14:12 (KJV): “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

This verse shines light on the danger of following our own desires rather than the truth of the Almighty. What seems right to us can often lead to destruction if it is not grounded in the truth.

Conclusion: Heeding the Warning of Delusion

In 2nd Thessalonians 2:11, Paul warns that those who reject the truth will face strong delusion as a form of Divine judgment. This delusion is not arbitrary, but a consequence of turning away from the Almighty’s guidance and choosing to believe lies. Other scriptures, such as 1st Kings 22, Isaiah 44, and 2nd Timothy 4, support this theme by showing that self-deception and idolatry lead to spiritual blindness.

The lesson for the children of the Almighty is clear: we must love the truth, seek sound doctrine, and remain vigilant against the lies that can deceive us. The Almighty’s Word is our anchor in a world full of delusion. And by clinging to it, we can avoid the fate of those who are led astray.


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Minister Koko

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