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The Creation of the Heavens and Earth Part 3: The Components of the Earth

What are the components of the earth? By components, we are speaking to the parts or elements of a larger whole that the earth consists of. Like a house consists of a cement foundation, siding or bricks, and other features that make it whole; what does this look like for the earth, is the question?

In the Bible, there were a few people who were present at the time of the construction of the earth. Yes, there was a construction period and team, as well as beings looking on.

In the chapter in which the LORD decided to give Job an actual response to his questions, side details were offered! Job’s “self-proclaimed righteousness,” gave us an insight we actually learned something on our way to learning something else.

The Almighty Demands an Answer from Job

It was at this time the LORD Yahawah revealed those beings who were present during those six days of reconstructing the earth. The LORD Yahawah demanded an answer from Job. He asked the ‘father of patience’ where was he when the Almighty Yahawah laid the foundations of the earth?

Where was Job when GOD laid the measures of the foundations and stretched the line upon it? Further, the LORD Yahweh asked, where are the foundations fastened to or who among His Heavenly host laid the cornerstone?

He asked where was Job when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy, as the construction was taking place? The morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy as the foundations of the earth were being laid out or down.

The morning stars sound like an actual singing group in the Heavenly Kingdom. In addition, we can deduct that the sons of God are equivalent to the angels of the Sovereign LORD.

Satan Came Also…?

In the very first chapter of the book of Job, it was written that one day the sons of God came to present themselves before God and Satan came also (Job 1:6). Satan, who was a cherub angel of light, was singled out as if he were no longer one of the sons of God, and it is thought to be because he’s under trial and had been disinherited for his rebellion.

Morning stars or the angelic host are all simply spirit beings, as is the Elohim (God) Himself (Father and Son – Revelation 22:16). The morning stars were present and so were the sons of God. However, there was another attendee that was present and her attendance (yes, her) was recorded.

We know her by name; she is Wisdom. She revealed that the LORD Yahweh created her at the very beginning, He possessed her before He made anything (and that would include the earth).

Wisdom Watched It All…

The LORD had the knowledge but needed the wisdom to create anything. Many people today possess knowledge but lack the wisdom to create the life or lifestyle they desire (FFT). She was set up from everlasting before the earth was here.

She had a good view and look at everything as it happened and came to be. We could presume that she was here even before the angels who were there singing as the foundations were laid.

Now we must pay attention to the details she speaks here to edify herself in our eyes. When she was born or conceived, the depths of the waters were not yet made. There were no fountains overflowing with water. The mountains were not settled, no hills were established.

See All the Components of the Earth?

The LORD had not yet made the earth, the rivers, or even the dry land and fields; the highest part of the dust of the world was not even on paper yet. When the LORD prepared the heavens, she was there, she was present.

As the Almighty set a compassed upon the face of the depth of the water by certain law and compass, Wisdom was in attendance. As the clouds and spheres were established, the stratosphere and other atmospheres, Wisdom was front row.

When the fountains of the waters or water wells for the earth were perfected, she again, looked on. When the LORD gave the sea its’ decree that the waters should not pass His commanded points, she was there with Him. She was with Him as He weighed the foundations of the earth.

Wisdom was with Him as one brought up with Him like they grew up together. She helped to make all these things; like a GM to a professional team, she helped select the players. This is vital to understand the components of the earth. Wisdom was there when the plumbing system for the earth was made; hence the earth has a plumbing system!

Please come back and join us for part 4!


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