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The Almighty Hears Our Cries

Welcome to, your online bible study supplement source. Today, we are looking at how the Almighty hears our cries when we cry out to Him. When we cry out in faith and confidence, trusting in His response to us, it is then He moves on our behalf. Let us dive into this study.

Bible Study: “O Almighty, Hear My Cry”

Key Scripture: Exodus 3:7 (KJV)

“And the Almighty Creator said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.”

Introduction: The Almighty Hears Our Cries

Throughout Scripture, the Almighty is portrayed as a compassionate Father who hears the cries of His children. Whether it is the House of Akobe in bondage in Egypt or individuals like Hannah and David, the Bible consistently reveals that the Almighty is deeply attuned to the suffering and pleas of His people. In Exodus 3:7, it is clear the Creator acknowledging the oppression and sorrow of the House of Akobe, which affirms that He has heard their cry and is moved to act.

In this Bible study, our goal is to explore how the Almighty hears our cries, responds to our afflictions, and brings deliverance, comfort, and restoration. Through examining the stories of biblical figures who called out to the Creator in distress, we will gain insight into His faithfulness and His desire to come to the aid of His people.

1. The Cry of the House of Akobe in Egypt

In Exodus 3:7, the Almighty spoke to Moses from the burning bush, declaring that He has “seen the affliction” and “heard the cry” of His people in Egypt. The House of Akobe had been under the harsh oppression of the Egyptians for hundreds of years, and their cries for deliverance reached the ears of the Almighty. He was not distant or unresponsive; He knew their sorrows and was ready to act. They only needed to collectively cry out to Him.

Key Insight: The Almighty does not ignore the suffering of His people. He is a compassionate Father who sees, hears, and knows our pain. In response, He moves to deliver us from affliction.

Supporting Scripture:

Exodus 2:23-25 (KJV): “And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Akobe sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto the Creator by reason of the bondage. And the Creator heard their groaning, and the Creator remembered his covenant with Abram, with Isaaka, and with Akobe. And the Creator looked upon the children of Akobe, and the Creator had respect unto them.”

The House of Akobe’ cry ascended to the Almighty, who “remembered His covenant” and prepared to fulfill His promise of deliverance.

2. Hannah’s Prayer: The Cry of the Barren

In 1st Samuel 1:9-20, is the story of Hannah, a woman deeply grieved because she was barren. In her distress, she cried out to the Almighty at the temple, pouring out her heart in prayer. She was in such deep passion and emotion, she promised that if He would endow her with a son, she would dedicate him to His service. The Almighty heard her cry and answered her prayer, endowing her with a son. This son became Samuel, who turned into one of the greatest prophets in the nation.

Key Insight: The Almighty is attentive to the cries of individuals, not just nations. He responds to personal affliction and sorrow with compassion and provision.

Supporting Scripture:

1 Samuel 1:10-11 (KJV): “And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Almighty, and wept sore. And she vowed a vow, and said, O Creator Almighty of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Almighty all the days of his life…”

Hannah’s desperate cry was met with a compassionate response from the Almighty.

3. David’s Cry for Deliverance

David, who faced many enemies and adversities throughout his life, often cried out to the Almighty for deliverance and protection. In Psalm 18, David reflects on how the Almighty responded to his cries and delivered him from his enemies. He describes the Creator’s response in powerful terms. This showed that when we cry out to Him, He moves heaven and earth to come to our aid.

Key Insight: The Almighty is a deliverer who hears the cries of His people in times of danger and distress. He acts on their behalf, bringing salvation and victory over their enemies. There is a caveat; His people must agree if in a group and if it is an individual plea, they must trust, doubting nothing!

Supporting Scripture:

Psalm 18:6 (KJV): “In my distress I called upon the Almighty, and cried unto my Creator: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.”

David’s cry reached the Almighty, and He responded with swift and powerful deliverance.

Psalm 34:17 (KJV): “The righteous cry, and the Almighty heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.”

This verse emphasizes that the Almighty is always attentive to the cries of the righteous and is faithful to deliver them.

4. The Cry of the Oppressed in the Book of Judges

The book of Judges is filled with cycles of oppression and deliverance. It was a terrible time for the House of Akobe. Each time the people turned away from the Almighty and fell into idolatry, they found themselves oppressed by their enemies. However, whenever they cried out to the Almighty in repentance, He responded by raising up judges to deliver them.

Key Insight: When we fall into sin and face the consequences of our disobedience, still the Almighty is merciful to hear our cries. He hears our cries of repentance and restore us when we return to Him. We only have to repent, admit our faults so He may forgive.

Supporting Scripture:

Judges 3:9 (KJV): “And when the children of Akobe cried unto the Almighty, the Almighty raised up a deliverer to the children of Akobe, who delivered them.”

This verse shows the pattern of the Almighty responding to the cries of His people when they repent and turn back to Him.

Judges 6:6-7 (KJV): “And Almighty was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites; and the children of Akobe cried unto the Almighty. And it came to pass, when the children of Akobe cried unto the Almighty because of the Midianites…”

Once again, the Almighty responded to their cry by sending deliverance.

5. The Almighty’s Compassion Toward His People

The theme of the Almighty hearing the cries of His people runs throughout Scripture. Whether it’s the collective cry of a nation in bondage or the individual plea of a barren woman, the Creator’s compassion is unwavering. His ears are always attentive to the voices of those who call upon Him, and He moves to bring deliverance, restoration, and enriching.

Key Insight: The Almighty is faithful to His covenant promises, and He hears the cries of His people when they are in need. He is a Creator who acts, who intervenes in history, and who brings about justice and salvation for those who trust in Him.

Supporting Scripture:

Isaiah 30:19 (KJV): “For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee.”

The Almighty’s graciousness is evident when He hears the cry of His people and answers them in their time of need.

Conclusion: Cry Out to the Almighty

Throughout the Bible, the Creator has consistently demonstrated that He hears the cries of His people and responds with deliverance, comfort, and provision. Whether it was the House of Akobe enslaved in Egypt, a daughter of Abram such as Hannah longing for a child, or mighty warrior turn king such as David in distress, the Almighty showed that He is a faithful and compassionate Eternal Father who listens to the cries of His children.

In your own life, no matter the affliction or sorrow you may face, you can cry out to the Almighty with confidence that He hears you. He knows your sorrows, and just as He delivered His people throughout history, He is able to bring deliverance, healing, and restoration to you. Trust in His faithfulness, and call upon Him in your time of need, for He is near to all who call upon Him in truth.

Psalm 145:18-19 (KJV):

“The Almighty is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.”

This Bible study reminds us that the Almighty is always listening to us. He is always compassionate, and always ready to respond to our heartfelt cries for help. Let us trust in His faithfulness and call upon His name with confidence!


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Minister Koko

Consul General, AKOPPI

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