Jacob, the patriarch of the tribes of Israel, was a young man, even a boy when his mother put him in a pretty different circumstance. She commanded him to “only obey my voice.” She overheard Isaac ordering Esau to make him a meal so he can go over the family covenant and blessings with him.
When Esau made his way out to handle that business, Rebekah jumped to her business. She loved Jacob and she also had a prophetic word from GOD that the elder son will serve the younger. Rebekah hustled and told her son Jacob to listen to her carefully for what she wanted him to do.
She commanded him to go kill two of the best goats and she will make a tasty meal that Isaac will love. Then Jacob was to take it to his father to eat. He would then give Jacob his blessings before he died. Jacob responded, “My brother Esau is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man.”
Only Obey My Voice
That was to say if his father realized his deception he may put a curse on Jacob instead of a blessing. Rebekah insisted by saying, “Let it be upon me my son; only obey my voice and bring me the goat.”
Talk about putting yourself on the line for a cause, for a purpose. And imagine Jacob’s mindset; it is what the Lord told the house of Jacob. It is what the Lord told Adam; “Only obey my voice!” How we are doing this is the question of our lives.
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