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Leviticus Chapter 6 Summary: Chapter Summaries

We continue with the judgments against a trespass offering in Leviticus chapter 6 summary. God began by revealing the judgment if a soul sinned against God by lying or stealing from their neighbor.

If this occurred and they were found guilty, they were obliged to restore the item stolen, or the item received by their deception. They had to return it in full. In addition, they were compelled to add an additional twenty-percent (20%) to the principle, which was stolen or taken away.

For instance, if a thousand dollars was taken, twelve hundred dollars should be returned to the offended. The offender/trespasser/sinner was then required to bring their trespass offering to the LORD.

It could be a ram without blemish presented to the priest to make an atonement for them before the LORD God. Then their trespass would be forgiven. God then reiterated the law of the burnt offering for Moses, Aaron, and his sons.

Leviticus Chapter 6 Summary

It was called the burnt offering because it was literally burned on the altar all night until the morning. The priest then put on his priestly attire and carried the ashes outside the camp to a clean place.

The fire for the burnt offering was never to go out! What was left of it (the offering) was for Aaron and his sons to eat with unleavened bread in a holy place in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation.

This was a statute forever in their generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire among the children of Aaron. The law of the sin offering was the same or very similar. The priest had to kill the sin offering on the same altar as the burnt offering.

The priest that offered the sin offering was responsible for eating it also, he and all his males. This is the summary of Leviticus chapter 6, glory to Yah, the Highest Honor!


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