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Judges Chapter 4 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Welcome to Judges chapter 4 summary. It began with the children of Israel once again doing evil in the sight of the LORD. They started again once the current righteous judge died, which was Ehud.

When Israel stopped serving the LORD, the LORD would make them serve their enemies. This time they fell into the hands of a man named Jabin, the king of Canaan, who ruled in Hazor. He had a captain whose name was Sisera and he lived in Harosheth where the Gentiles stayed.

Jabin and Sisera oppressed Israel for twenty years and the oppression was harsh. At this time, Israel’s judge was a woman named Deborah. Oh don’t be surprised, well you could.

Judges Chapter 4 Summary

She was a prophetess, yes, women, like Moses, and Moses sister Miriam; they were prophets. Deborah sent for a man named Barak (not to be confused with former President Barack Obama) to help Israel overthrow their oppressor, king Jabin.

Barak said he’d only lead the military if Deborah went with him. Deborah told him if she came, the glory would go to a woman and not Barak. That is exactly what happened; a woman named Jael took the honor and glory.

She was the wife of a man name Heber the Kenite, who was of the household of Moses’ father in law. Barak and his army destroyed Sisera’s army, but Sisera got away.

Jael saw him and had him hide in her house, and when he fell asleep, she put a rusty tent nail through his head. Obviously, Jael was not your average “Barbie doll” woman. Barak saw it and Israel further took down the rest of king Jabin’s army.

God subdued Israel’s oppressors and grew stronger and stronger over the Canaanites. This is the summary of Judges chapter 4, glory to Honor!


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