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Joshua Chapter 22 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Joshua chapter 22 summary commenced with Joshua. At this time he officially allowed the Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh to return to their land and home.

They fulfilled their duty to assist the children of Israel to conquer the lands they were promised. Joshua charged them to be diligent to do all of God’s law and commandments and to love the LORD God with all their heart.

This was a lifelong commitment. So they were sent away wealthy, with gold, silver, and much cattle. They were instructed to divide the spoil of their enemies with their brothers fairly.

Joshua Chapter 22 Summary

The two and a half tribes left Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, and went into the country of Gilead. This is the land they requested from Moses when they came out of Egypt and defeated the Amorites.

As they returned, they built an altar to God, with good purpose. However, the news of this troubled the children of Israel because back in Shiloh they were under the impression the Reubenites, Gadites, and Manassehnites were breaking away from God.

This was a big deal, so the children of Israel were ready to go up and pay them a visit. They were ready to war with them (children of Reuben, Gad, and half Manasseh).

Turned out the children of Reuben, Gad, and half Manasseh were only trying to protect their children since they were on the other side of the Jordan. They didn’t want a future fallout, so they built the altar as a witness and not for sacrifice and offerings.

This pleased everyone, and they didn’t war but established it through the high priest, Eleazar. They called the altar Ed because it was a witness between Israel that the LORD God is with them on the other side of Jordan also.

This is the summary of Joshua chapter 22, glory to the King of kings.


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