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Ireland Norway And Spain Recognize Palestine

Good Day to you. Ireland, Norway, and Spain all recognize Palestine as a sovereign state. If this does not wrinkle the collar or stir the pot of world controversies, I am not sure what will.

Matthew 24:7 says, “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”

Nations that have had longtime agreements are awakening and disengaging from these past agreements. Such as African Nations Repatriating their gold and foreign reserves from the US. The world is soon to be a different place and many people are unaware of the drastic changes taking place.

But if you hear the words of the prophets of the Almighty, and what His Words say, you will not be moved.

Israel has expressed strong opposition after Ireland, Norway, and Spain announced their intentions to formally recognize the State of Palestine on May 28. This decision, made amidst the ongoing and destructive Gaza war, has been praised by many Arab and Muslim states but labeled by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “reward for terror.” This reaction follows an attack by Hamas on October 7, which reignited the Gaza conflict.

In response to the European countries’ decision, Israel is recalling its ambassadors from these nations for consultations and has summoned their ambassadors for a rebuke. The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has stated he will work towards promoting a unified EU stance based on a two-state solution.

This development comes at a time when the region is experiencing significant turmoil, with Netanyahu criticizing the European leaders for acknowledging a state he perceives as allied with aggressors. This situation is further complicated by the ongoing violence in Gaza. The ongoing violence has led to significant casualties and a humanitarian crisis.

The crisis involves Israel enforcing a severe blockade that has pushed the population towards famine.

The decision by the three European nations is seen by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Hamas as a historic and pivotal affirmation of Palestinian rights to their land. However, opinions on the ground are mixed, with some seeing it as merely symbolic and calling for more concrete actions, such as sanctions and arms embargoes against Israel, to effect real change.

If other western nations follow Ireland, Norway, and Spain, this could cause a great conundrum for the state of Israel and their allies. Some people believe this is the time the Pope of Rome will settle things amicably. He would do this by moving into Jerusalem of north. Possibilities range, but what does the Spirit of the Almighty declare?

It is difficult to know with certainty unless you are endowed with the Spirit.

The Anointed Prince of Juda, whom the world calls “Jesus Christ” once said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

He followed this by saying, “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

The world cannot receive this Comforter to abide with them forever. They cannot receive the Spirit of Truth because they cannot see him, nor do they know him.”

He said “blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.”

The world does not see and hear, they do not know. They are nicely wrapped up in lies and deception, but if you are adhering to the Father’s commandments; the Spirit of Truth abides with you. If you have been following the teachings from or AKOPPI or organization of the such for any length of time, the Spirit of Truth has fallen on you. You have either received it or not. If you have received it, the Spirit of Truth dwells with you and will be in you.

Remain faithful, in all peace, grace, and love of the Almighty and the Anointed Prince of Juda.

Power be with you.

Minister Koko

Consul General, AKOPPI

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