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How To Choose A Religion And Dissect A Religious Text

Welcome to, an online Bible Study Supplement Source. Today we share with you how to choose a religion. If you’re in to spirituality and the spiritual systems that govern most of the world, you should know how to select one.

How to Choose a Religion and Dissect A Religious Text is the focus of this publishing.

As I took a walk the other day, this concept came in my head. I pulled out my phone and recorded my thoughts. The original title was:

How to Approach Religious Texts and Institutes

The remainder are the ideas the walk I took produced.

Whenever one decides to take on a religious affiliation when they pick a religious book, it could be the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, the Tripitaka, and so forth. The idea is to be a part of a movement that first propels a way of life. All religious books first seek to teach and express principles by which the people should unify and live.

Therefore, the first principle, or the first rule of any religion, the religious text, is its discourse the principles that the subjects (people) should live by to be unified.

Within the religious texts comes the idea of the principles. These are the laws, statutes ordinances, and sound judgments, which the people should adhere to in the event of broken principles. And also in the case of broken people, a discernment of the way they should be judged in human matters or affairs in certainly important.

Judgment is another way of stating the consequences.

These are the consequences of living outside of the unified principles, that the religious book or texts profess all should live.

Aside from the principles that this religious text would propagate in their religious books, the religious texts also should provide a historical context or record of how the people lived according to the principles provided in the text. This is where we get a record of how the men and women behaved, the consequences of their behavior, and sometimes the way God or their Supreme Deity responded or judged their behavior.

All of these records or historical texts help us learn by warning, if the judgment was negative, or as wisdom, if it was favorable. This way we can live better, improving our present lives and also make for a better future.

Therefore the principles that the people lived by in the past that religious texts would categorize (the past) as records, or historical records, their principles would ultimately give way to how things are at the present moment, as in today. In addition, how we live in the present moment, is based on how those before us lived, in proportion to the principles that they received. For us, the principles we received today, will create the outcomes of how tomorrow will be.

Tomorrow is the future.

In all religious texts, anything pertaining to the future is known or categorized as prophecy. These staples, History, Principle, and Prophecy, are what we identify as the three pillars of religious texts.

The adage states that if you ignore history, history will repeat itself, good or bad, and sometimes ugly. This is because habits are formed even at the cellular level. Also, at the individual level, the familiar level, the community level, and ultimately the international level.

The habits formed are imprinted.

Habits are imprinted and downloaded in DNA, and the sciences prove this. This is why there is generational poverty and also generational wealth. It is also why there is generational health, and why there is generational illness or disease.

The more history one understands of their family will allow them to make the adjustments to the stated principles so that they can alter the future. If you do not change the present by recognition or ignorance of history, and apply the rearrangement of principles, you would ultimately have the same future as those who preceded you in the past.

Therefore, when considering a religious text, it is first important to understand the principles the religious text suggests or commands you to live. It is so important to understand the principles to the point that one should even break away from any mainstream religious groups or entities that do not live 100% devoted to the core principles that their religious text provides.

The second mainframe

There is a second qualification that all religious students involved in religious organizations or texts must do. This is to learn their individual, family, and immediate ethnic group profiles. The history of their, individual and communal ethnic group’s profile is vital. This is another way of learning your history. When you learn who you immediately come from, father, grandfather, great grandfather, or mother, grandmother, great grandmother, maybe to the third and fourth generations above, it is wisdom.

As you understand the profile of your immediate family, you will learn a lot about some of the characteristics you inherited. Most of these characteristics are conscious or unconscious, good and bad.

We are all shaped by our parents, community, and our ethnic groups. Much of it is unconscious until we become adults aware of ourselves with the ability to make our individual decisions to mark out a new path for ourselves. However, some decisions we make may still be blind based on hidden DNA from our ethnic groups and our parents. Therefore it is recommended you study the history of your people. Find a grandparent, and see if they have any old books that describe who your people in the immediate area are, who they were.

Wise parables from a culture sometimes explain the culture.

Therefore, these would be a very good method of learning more about your people.

In today’s world, this can be even more trickier and confusing than we would think on the surface. For example, your author is a Nigerian-born man. I am from the family of the Ibibio people from Akwa Ibom State.

If I only did a Nigerian profile, that would be good for starters. However, it would not give me a full profile of who I am.

Digging down to the very surface, the Ibibio people, allows me to get the profile of the men, women, and children of this particular ethnic group in Nigeria, on the continent of Africa, and in the world. After a careful study of the people, I can compare how they are described in the profile to the things that I do habitually, and unconsciously, and some of the other things that I do from a conscious level. This profile can bring awareness to me, why I think the way I think, etc.

What have we done here?

We have learned, in-depth the history of our immediate familial groups. Also, we went back as far as we could go of the people we come from; in my case, the Ibibio people. We also explored how they lived, according to the principles we read in the religious text, comparing how we choose to live today. We would learn how they lived and understand why they were in the predicaments or the enrichments that they lived.

Furthermore, we could learn how their way of life influenced and created the way of life we live today. If this is not accurately and thoroughly explored, we will collectively pass down similar things to the next generation; prophecy.

Detachment may be necessary. If the way your immediate family has lived is opposite to the principles you learn in your religious texts, you may need to detach. It doesn’t matter if it is even up to the present moment, you must detach yourself from day-to-day affiliation, if they are not willing to compromise or change along with you in the principles of life.

Devotion to their old ideologies and their old ways will hinder your progress in your devotion and dedication. As a reference to a historical point of the religious text of the Bible, remember Abram. The forefather Abram was commanded by the Almighty, his Creator, to leave his father‘s house.

He was to go to a land, where he would be shown.

Now, as you begin to live by the principles from a religious text, you’ll gain more wisdom. And as you believe in full awareness of the history of that religious text, even down to your immediate history, you can proceed with much more wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit as we called in the secular realm today “the Intuitive Force.” It is the Intuitive Force that guides those who are conscious so that they can trust the unconscious and move as the Spirit (Intuitive Force) moves them.

This will create a new path for this person, allowing them to adhere prophetically to the overall prophecy written in the books, the religious texts, and the religion of choice.

Therefore, we believe that it is of grave importance for one to, number one, understand the principles of life they receive from their religious texts or even non-religious texts. The greatest of all principles is to love and respect all people and things, treat them as you want them to treat you, and do for them as you would want them to do for you.

Everything else can be categorized as derivatives of this essential principle.

We also suggest you get satisfactorily acquainted with the histories of all religious texts and different ethnic groups. Find the commonalities in them so that the best and most accurate history is presented.

This way, one can draw the lines between the things that led to positive results in the present, and the things that led to negative results in the present. Understanding our individual histories, and the history of religious texts could help save people from being part of genocides, wars, and other grave catastrophes.

With the knowledge of true history and true principles, one’s future will be as bright as can be, prophetically speaking. We all live on one earth. The only way to live here together peacefully and in full happiness is to accept history, good, bad, or ugly.

We have to gather the good and bad from the histories recorded and do our best to make right the wrongs of the past to all people. We also must live by the best principles, only differing in minor individualism that would differentiate peoples and lands. This is how we set up our future to be as golden as it was designed.

I’m Minister Koko…

Consul General of Abantu Kingdom of Priests Preparatory Institute (AKOPPI). Our religious text is the Bible. Our religious affiliation is devotion to the Creator of Abram, Isaaka, and Akobe. They are the forefathers of the Son of David, the firstborn, the Anointed Prince of Juda, known to the world as Jesus Christ.

To relearn the principles taught in the religious texts we call the scriptures, as taught by both Adama and Msindisi, as well as by all the prophets of the Almighty Creator, join our individual or group counsel, consulting, or coaching project, the Akobe Effect.

To relearn the history according to the religious texts as recorded by the prophets of the Almighty Creator, join our ATLOS Project, Africa the Land of Shem, and Unprofitable Lies, where we reteach the scriptures historically from a geographic point of view. Read and study this for starters.

Lastly, with the reeducation of principles and history, the future would have to take a dramatic turn as well. Our prophetic teaching begins with The Final Gentile Kingdom and Prophecy of the End Times. These will redirect your point of view of the world, the earth, spiritual matters, and the physical.

Power be with you.

Minister Koko

Consul General, AKOPPI

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