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For Thine Incorruptible Spirit Is In All Things

Welcome to, an online Bible Study Supplement Source; today we have wisdom scriptures, titled, For Thine Incorruptible Spirit Is In All Things.

Here is Wisdom:

Your incorruptible Spirit is present in all things, O Eternal Father. That’s why You correct those who stray away from Your path. Yes, little by little, You remind them of their wrongdoings. You do this so they can turn from their wickedness and come to believe in You, O Eternal Father.

It was Your will to have our ancestors destroy the old inhabitants of Your holy land. Those inhabitants You despised for their vile acts of witchcraft and wicked sacrifices. They were ruthless murderers of children, devourers of human flesh, and held blood-soaked feasts. Their priests led idolatrous rituals, and even parents took the lives of helpless souls with their own hands. You did all this so the land, which You valued above all others, could be given to a worthy people—Your children.

Judging Them Little by Little

Yet even those people You spared as human beings, choosing instead to send wasps—advance scouts of Your army—to gradually destroy them bit by bit.

It wasn’t that You lacked the power to bring the ungodly into the hands of the righteous in battle, or to wipe them out instantly with wild beasts, or even a single harsh word. But instead, You judged them little by little, giving them a chance to repent. You knew they were a wicked generation, their malice deeply ingrained, and their way of thinking would never change.

From the very beginning, they were a cursed generation. You didn’t grant them pardon out of fear of anyone for the sins they committed. Who could question You and ask, “What have You done?” Who could challenge Your judgment? Who could accuse You for allowing the nations You created to perish? And who could stand against You to seek revenge for the unrighteous?

Great Kindness in Judgment

For there is no God but You who cares for all, and You show that Your judgment is always just. No king or tyrant can stand against You on behalf of anyone You’ve punished. Because You are righteous, You govern all things with fairness, never using Your power to condemn anyone who doesn’t deserve punishment.

Your power is the foundation of righteousness, and because You are Lord of all, it leads You to show grace to everyone. When people doubt the fullness of Your power, You reveal Your strength, and to those who know it, You give confidence in their faith. Yet, You control Your power, judging with fairness and guiding us with great kindness, for You can use Your power whenever You choose.

Through these actions, You’ve taught Your people that the righteous should be merciful, and You’ve given Your children hope by showing that You offer repentance for sins. If You judged the enemies of Your people—those condemned to death—with such patience, giving them time and opportunity to turn from their wickedness, how much more carefully have You judged Your own children, to whom You promised great things through covenants made with their ancestors?

Straying From the Truth

So, while You discipline us, You punish our enemies a thousand times more, so that when we judge, we remember Your goodness, and when we are judged, we seek Your mercy. For those who lived recklessly and unrighteously, You tormented them with the very things they worshipped. They strayed far from the truth, treating as gods things that were despised even among the animals of their enemies, being deceived like children without understanding. Because of this, You sent a judgment that mocked their foolishness, treating them as if they were children without reason.

But those who refused to change, despite the gentle correction He gave them, will face a judgment truly worthy of God. The very things they once complained about when they were punished—the false gods they worshiped—became the source of their downfall. When they saw their punishment unfold, they finally acknowledged the true God, the one they had previously denied. Because of this, they faced ultimate condemnation.

This post is sponsored by AKOPPI! Geo Locations in the Bible have been provided by European institutions. Also by individuals who rarely included Africa in the history of the Biblical story.

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This was rewritten version of the Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 12!

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Minister Koko

Consul General, AKOPPI

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