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Exodus Chapter 32 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Exodus chapter 32 summary details the story of how the children of Israel rebelled against the LORD their GOD with idol worship. The chapter began as a continuation from chapter twenty-four when Moses and the elders went up into the mountain.

Moses went into the cloud for the forty days and forty nights. The rest of the elders returned to the camp or waited nearby. The camp saw Moses delayed his return so they came before Aaron and asked him to make them gods to go before them.

Aaron appeared to shrink under pressure and commanded the people to break off the gold they had and give to him. He fashioned it and made a molten calf. The people proclaimed the golden calf brought them out of Egypt.

Exodus Chapter 32 Summary

Aaron then made an altar and declared a feast to the LORD the following day. When they got their feast going God told Moses to go and handle “his” corrupt people that “he” brought out of Egypt. God was ready to destroy all of them all in a moment.

However, Moses became an intercessor for them and asked God to remember His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. God repented of the evil He was set to do to His people. Nevertheless, when Moses came down and saw what the people were doing with His own eyes he became even angrier than God.

He crushed the tables of stone with the writing of God on them, he ground the calf into powder and poured it into water and made the people drink it. The intercessor then commanded the sons of Levi on God’s side to go from tent to tent and kill whoever transgressed.

By no means clearing the guilty…

The number came out to 3,000 people who were killed. Moses then returned to the Lord hoping for more mercy against this people and Aaron; he even asked his name to blotted out of the book of life for their sakes.

God forgave them but would blot the innocent out for the guilty. Only the guilty are blotted out of His book. God also said He will not go with them into the lands of Canaan to take the land. Instead, the LORD will send an angel of God to lead them. God plagued them for the calf they made.

This is the disturbing summary of Exodus chapter 32, glory to the Merciful God of Israel.


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