Welcome to episode six of “And the Books were Opened,” a Podcast brought to you by Israel Kingdom of Priests Preparatory Institute Bible Study Ministry. Our podcast is going to go into the books that were opened and literally prepare you, with the short time we have left, for the Kingdom of Christ. We’ve got one of those books today.
Today’s podcast is based on the testimony of the scribe known to us in the book of Jeremiah as Elasah.
In his own writings, he’s known as Lehi. we’ll get into his story in this podcast and use the spirit to discern.
Ready to dive in? Let’s go.
You can also listen to this podcast with a little background music with the rest of our recordings. God to IKOPPI-BSM And the Books were Opened Podcast.
Stay with us, we’re going to show you more books! In the meantime…
Repent and be Baptized for remission of sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost