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Current Event: Harassment of Christians Rising

Harassment of Christians Rising
Christian Icons destroyed by fighting are placed next to a wall at the Greek Orthodox Mar Taqla monastery in Maaloula, Syria, Thursday, March 3, 2016. Maaloula, an ancient Christian town 60 kilometers (40 miles) northeast of Damascus, changed hands several times in the war. Its historic churches pillaged by jihadis and buildings riddled with shrapnel reflect fierce fighting that devastated the town two years ago. (AP Photo/Vladimir Isachenkov)

Harassment of Christians Rising

A recent article on by one Kelsey Dallas concerning the rise of harassment of Christians, was published; asking if any can be done about it. In the article, she writes that Christians are the most persecuted faith group in the world today.

They are harassed by many groups and organization and endure much social discrimination in over 125 countries. Nearly thirty Coptic Christians were brutally murdered on their way to church, in Egypt a few weeks ago.

It made headlines initially, but then in thrown in a showel of other unpopular or unimportant news. Although this is a prophecy written by many prophets, as well as is in the end-time prophecy pushers, it isn’t a priority.

Christians are still mostly trying to feed the homeless and poor hungry children in Africa. They aren’t helping the ones being blown up and forced to confess Islam or renounce their own faith in Christ.

What Can Christians Do?

I’m sure most Christians, in the many divisive sects or denominations there are, are scared to death or simply don’t know what to do to help people who are at risk of being killed for going to church because they believe in Jesus Christ.

What can be done about this and what is being done about it? Awareness is key, and important. Not only for their sakes, but also for ours in “freer” societies and nations.

This type of behavior, if overlooked by those in “freer” societies or nations, may allow such behavior to creep into our more socially advanced societies and countries. Dallas wrote that this conflict and subject is hard to deal with because of it’s complexity.

The attacks on Islamic Christians covers a wide dynamic of problems, such as a blend of cultural, religious, and political realities. It is difficult to address this, at a barebones minimum action is to promote awareness of what is going on.

Christians Only Really Think and Know About Christians Around Them

Christians in America and Europe often overlook Christians in Islamic states. A man named James Zogby, who is the founder and president of the Arab American Institute, reflects. Zogby told about how baffled a Palestinian Christian church leader was. When asked by an American journalist about how recent his community had converted, his jaw dropped.

Zogby responded by saying, ‘like 2,000 years ago’.

The western world lacks literacy in religious and cultural affairs, and this is troublesome. An archbishop in Pakistan spoke at an April symposium hosted by christian persecution group, Under Caesar’s Sword. He said people around the world don’t think and know there are Christians in Pakistan. On top of this, they don’t want to know this, and it is sad.

Often these Christians in Islamic states are less than 5% of the population. They are at the mercy of their hostile leaders. They simply want more awareness and laws to stop the misuse.

The way we can help in the west, as well as in Europe is to let our Christian brothers and sisters know we are aware. We do this by making intercessions to God for them. We can let people know this is happening in our world.

According to Prophecy, Persecution of Christians Will Rise

Please explore Kelsey Dallas’s entire article* for more detailed numbers and details about groups that are taking more measured actions to stop harassment of Christians rising around the world.

Under Caesar’s Sword has produced a documentary on the persecution of Christians in Islamic states. We must take closer looks at this issue. As humans and christians, we need to ask God for the answers and the help to assist them.

In the end, the Lord said the persecution of Christians will rise, this will happen. However, we don’t have to sit and watch it happen, but assist our fellow believers in Jesus Christ.

See Kelsey Dallas’s article here.

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