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Chapter Summary: Genesis Chapter 21 Summary

Genesis Chapter 17 Summary

Genesis Chapter 21 Summary

The summary of Genesis chapter 21 can make real emotional people cry. Why? Well there will be a long ado baby brought into a family; yep a little bundle of joy that a woman thought she would never have.

But on the other hand, there will be a teenage boy thrown out of his house, separated from his dad.

Let’s get to the details. The Lord God visited Abraham and Sarah as promised with a son named Isaac. Abraham was 100 years of age when Isaac was born. Pretty old we’d say, but Abraham lived another 75 years. Today most people have their kids at age 20 or 30 and are blessed if they live for 90 years. So let’s not judge Abraham so quickly.

Sarah Throws Hagar Out!

Back to the summary; at a certain point of time, Sarah noticed mocking behavior that came from Hagar. Remember Hagar is the mother of Abraham’s son Ishmael. When Sarah had seen enough of the mocking, she ordered them to leave the household and compound.

Although Abraham was very saddened by the desire-turn-order of his wife, he still listened. Mostly because the Lord God told to listen to Sarah. Hagar was distraught as she left with her son Ishmael, whom the Lord promised Abraham He would take care of.

The chapter transitions with an angel that visited Hagar. The angel had a message that a nation would come of Ishmael. The boy grew and became an expert with the bow and arrow, also he married an Egyptian from his mother’s native land.

Peace Treaty Made

The chapter concludes with a peace treaty between Abimelech along with his commander Phicol, and Abraham. Abraham and his offspring can now live peacefully in the land of the Philistines, based on this treaty/covenant. This is Genesis chapter 21 summary.


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