Exodus chapter 3 summary started with Moses introduction to his purpose. He was about to be commissioned by God to return to Egypt. While living his new life in Midian, God called Moses through a burning bush with an angel in the midst.
God identified Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and told of his Moses about his mission. His assignment was to return to Egypt and deliver the children of Israel from the house of bondage. Moses feared and even trembled at this job.
Exodus Chapter 3 Summary
He asked several questions filled with excuses for why he couldn’t do it. He desired the Lord to find someone else to do the job. However, in all his excuses to get him off the hook, God made provisions for each concern he had.
One final question Moses asked was who should he tell the children of Israel sent him to them. Then God responded by saying, “I AM That I AM, I AM has sent me to you!”
The Lord also told Moses that the king of Egypt will not let you go without a fight. Therefore, the Lord was ready to bring the fight on, on behalf of the children of Israel.
The time of Ham, Canaan, and the Egyptians was coming to an end and God was preparing Moses to be His “savior” figure in doing this. This is the summary of Exodus chapter 3!
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