Ah, the mysterious story of Abram’s journey from Egypt to the south. As written in Genesis chapter 13, Abram and his wife Sarai, along with their nephew Lot, left Egypt and journeyed south, eventually settling in the land of Canaan.
The question of why Abram chose to leave Egypt is one that has been asked for centuries. There are a number of theories that have been put forward, and I believe that the most likely explanation is that Abram was being called to a new place, a place where he could fulfill his divine destiny.
The Bible tells us that the Great Creator promised Abram that he would become the father of many nations and that his descendants would be blessed with great land and many blessings. It is likely that Abram was being called to that land to begin the fulfillment of that promise.
Fulfilling His Promised Destiny
The timing of Abram’s departure from Egypt also supports this theory. It was during a time of great trouble in Egypt, and Abram could have seen that it was not the place in which he could fulfill his destiny.
The Bible also tells us that Abram and Sarai were very wealthy, and it is likely that their wealth was a hindrance to their travels. It would have been difficult to travel with so much wealth and it is likely that Abram was being called to a place where he could more easily fulfill his divine purpose without the burden of wealth.
It is also possible that Abram and Sarai were looking for a place where they could be free of the persecution they had been facing in Egypt. As the Bible tells us, the Pharaoh had taken notice of Sarai’s beauty and had desired to make her his wife. It is likely that Abram was looking for a place where they could be free of such danger and where they could start a new life.
Abram Traveled South After Leaving Egypt
Whatever the reason, Abram and Sarai did leave Egypt and traveled south, eventually settling in the land of Canaan. This was a place that God had promised Abram, and it is likely that Abram was called to this place to fulfill his destiny.

It is an incredible story and one that has inspired believers for centuries. While the details of Abram’s journey are obscure, what is clear is that he was called to a place where he could fulfill his divine destiny. It was a journey of faith and courage, and one that we can all learn from.
The standing point of this journey is that he left Egypt (view Egypt on your modern-day maps) and headed south. When you leave any point in Egypt and head south, from a modern map point of view, a traveler such as Abram would end up in Sudan. Going further, they would venture through South Sudan, Congo, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, and the furthest extent would be South Africa.
We are here to inform you that we have inherited lies and things that are of no profit, which has our world, both physically and spiritually, in a vast decay. It will take truth, courage, and faith to overcome deceptive lies.
We hope you have the stomach, courage, and perseverance to stomach the new, yet original narrative, that was taken from the ancestors of the books we call, the Bible.
May the Great Creator uplift you, through His Anointed Son.
Elder Ishe