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Common Hurdles When Reading and Studying the Bible

Welcome to, your online Bible Study Supplement Source. Today, let me briefly talk about common hurdles that take place when you are reading and studying the Bible. Before we dive in, just so you know is a media outlet focused on the study of the scriptures designed to be supplementary to your main place of study or church. 

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Now to today’s content: Common Hurdles When Reading and Studying the Bible.

For most people reading and even studying the Bible comes with challenges. These challenges or hurdles increase in size for various reasons. In the Bible, the challenges or hurdles are called stumbling blocks.

According to, they noted the common hurdles in reading the bible are clumped into four groups. These four groups start simply because there is not enough time or rather people taking this venture do not make enough time for the study of the Bible. We chalk it up to a busy schedule, work, the kids, social life, and many other priorities that contribute to the lack of study and even reading the Bible.

The second hurdle, challenge, or stumbling block is distractions, especially today. In the world we live in now with cellphones, computers, social media, a gazillion different channels, reels, and things to do, we’re too distracted to give ample time, focus, and attention to the study of the scriptures.

Negative Self-Talk

The third hurdle, challenge, or stumbling block they say is negative self-talk. Whether a person feels guilty for not reading, ashamed it took them so long to finally put this as a priority in their life or just has a lot of negative things to say about themselves, like, “Do you really think you can understand this book.”
What does this do?

It stops them from starting, like with every other thing in life. The fourth barrier, hurdle, and stumbling block is lack of confidence. Anytime anyone is giving themselves negative talk, there cannot be much confidence in what they are doing or attempting to do.

In life, we get out what we put in; that means if we put the time in, we will get results. If we ask, seek, and knock, especially diligently and sincerely, we’re going to receive answers, find what we’re looking for, and have doors opened, spiritual doors.

The Anointed Son, the Christ said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; because I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Because my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Reading and even studying the Bible doesn’t have to be difficult or challenging. The problem with many people is that we come into the physical dimension as babies. We come in empty vessels or empty bottles and from birth, our parents or guardians begin pouring knowledge, wisdom, and understanding into us.

Depending on who our parents were or are, or our guardians, the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding we acquire from them may have been good, bad, or even ugly. Some were ugly but not given in an ugly way if you know what I mean. Some bad given in good loving way and some good given in an ugly way.

Whatever we received biblically or not at all contributed to our hurdles, challenges, barriers, and stumbling blocks. The scriptures state these stumbling blocks are placed there because of or to challenge our own wicked and evil intentions. Satan then uses the stumbling blocks to further distract us, veer us away, and make us practically useless to the Eternal Father.

How does someone fix this conflict where they want to study and read, but are loaded with these hurdles?

Here is an example. My daughter is a great athlete, she could be a world-class athlete if she just absolutely loved it. She doesn’t absolutely love it, she just loves it. Nevertheless, when growing up, she trained and practiced, primarily on her own. When things began to dip for her as in playing time, team contribution, and looks from the next level, she began to attempt to tighten the ship a bit. She came to me, a former world-class athlete for help.

I told my daughter if she wanted my help, she had to sign a contract. Immediately, I let her know I wasn’t about to do the, “maybe today, oh on Thursday too,” and “sorry, can’t do today, it’s raining outside,” mentality and excuses. I asked her to tell me the days she wants to train, and how long. We decided on three months, four days a week and there was no negotiation. I knocked on her door at 5 a.m. every morning and we went to train. She made a higher level team and even right now, she is on her collegiate time athletic scholarship.

The non-negotiable training removed hurdles and stumbling blocks. It removed the “I don’t have enough time!” We got up before the day began at 5 a.m. (which caused me to get up at 3 a.m. during this time to perform my daily morning meditation and study for the scriptures that I do at 5 a.m.).

Christ Got Away From Distractions

At 5 a.m. there are few distractions when training. Still, even if we settled at noon or 6 p.m., friends that may have walked by or texted her would have been ignored because this was training time.

We got rid of negative self-talk because when she thought she couldn’t do a drill, I was there to tell her, “Yes you can,” or “That was good,” and assist her in removing negative self-doubt and talk.

The training and training with a coach or training slowly started to remove the lack of confidence. The more you cook, the better you get. The more you do anything with the idea of trying to get a little better each time, the better you’ll become.

It’s a natural science, a natural protocol of life. The better you become, the more confidence you develop. We as babies couldn’t walk, unless you have some kind of injury, look at you now. Many of us drivers as teenagers couldn’t drive, Look at you now, texting and changing lanes, you naughty dare person. The point is we gain confidence, even overconfidence the more we do something.

Remember, there are levels to things.

You may have read the Bible for a year, six months, or 90 days, whatever your pace and schedule were. You would have developed a general idea of the Bible story and idea. Here’s a quiz for you, do you believe you know it better than the gentleman or woman who has been reading and studying for for twenty-five years?

Probably not; however all you have to do is rinse and repeat the study process. Get a spiritual coach or mentor, and study with a group of experienced or inexperienced people to gain ideas you’ve been limited in seeing. Study and read with different cultures for broader perspectives.

Most importantly, read and study with the Holy Spirit so you can be led and guided into all truth. This means you may come across things that shake you up a bit. There may be ideas that are so simple and plain, but so different than what you were brought up to think and consider. Our minds have to become like that of King Solomon, whom the Creator gave a largeness of heart. This means he had a very broad mind. He was open to ideas, and he did not think he knew everything, thus he could always continue learning.

This is the Best Time to Learn and Relearn Scriptures

Don’t allow the hurdles, challenges, barriers, and stumbling blocks we talked about here to stop or slow you down. In the Levitical law of the Old Testament, it was written that one should not curse the deaf. Neither should they place a stumbling block before the blind; Leviticus 19:14. The deaf cannot hear, the blind cannot see, spiritually speaking.

Many people today place hurdles, barriers, challenges, and stumbling blocks before the spiritually deaf and blind. Why? Because they can, and also to take advantage of them.

So now that you know the common hurdles and challenges for just reading and studying the Bible, you can get over and through them. As you read and study, you will find even more hurdles, challenges, and stumbling blocks. These things are all designed to make you give up, run back to your distractions. They want you to go back to negative self-talk and negative talk about others. They want you to lack confidence when it comes to the scriptures.

If you would like a physical spiritual guide along the way, would love to assist you. Sign up for our newsletter and stay in touch with simple studies and strategies to help you along the way.

Be strong and very courageous

Minister Koko
BSM-AKOPPI and Abantu Kingdom of Priests Preparatory Institute


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