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2 Kings Chapter 25 Summary: Chapter Summaries

2 Kings chapter 25 summary is definitely one to remember. It all began with and in the city of Jerusalem. In the ninth year of Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar sent a troop of soldiers to surround Jerusalem.

After two years they were able to stop all traffic going into and coming out of the city and the city fell to a gross famine. Finally, the Babylonian military was able to break through the wall and attack.

The king of Judah, Zedekiah, fled the city at night with his guards only to be captured and arrested. He was judged and sentenced to life in prison. In addition, he was punished and had to watch his sons killed one by one.

2 Kings Chapter 25 Summary

Afterwards, he would lose his own eyes as they were gauged out by the Babylonians. A month later the king of Babylon’s military leader, Nebuzaradan, emptied out the rest of the city of it’s major inhabitants.

He also burned the city, destroying any major structures and buildings. Only the poorest of the poor were left in the city. Everyone else was killed or sent to Babylon as captives.

Nebuchadnezzar appointed a man named Gedaliah as governor of Judah, however, some men from the royal family spoiled permission and privelidge of have a “puppet” ruler.

A royal family member name Ishmael killed Gedaliah, which made everyone flee to Egypt in fear of the Chaldees response. The chapter ended with a followup to the life of Jehoiachin.

He was set free by a new ruler in Babylon named Evil-Merodach. He was shown kindness by the new king and was provided for all his days. This is 2 Kings chapter 25 summary, glory to Honor.


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