Welcome to Numbers chapter 36 summary, where a legal issue was the topic. Remember back in chapter 27 of Numbers, the daughters of Zelophehad made an observation. It was about inheritances passed from a father to his daughter(s).
However, the men came back with an observation of their own here in chapter 36 of Numbers. The men observed their daughters could possibly marry outside of their tribe and the inheritance would pass onto another tribe and thus leave the family.
Numbers Chapter 36 Summary
Therefore God ordered that if a woman’s father had no sons that his inheritance should pass to his daughter or daughters. However, the daughter(s) had to marry within her tribe to keep the inheritance from leaving the family and into the hands of another family or tribe.
Is everyone good?
Is it fair?
Great, just systems being implemented. In all, a daughters dating or marriage options of men were condensed (to one tribe) if she had no brothers. Nevertheless, she could marry anyone from her father’s tribe. In my imagination, these daughters would sorta hope to have a brother or two.
This is the summary of Numbers chapter 36!
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