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The Root of the Righteous: Daily Wisdom


The Root of the Righteous

Welcome again to we are happy to have you here and we hope you enjoy your quick supplement of scripture; next time bring a friend. 🙂

3 A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.

Today we are just looking at Proverbs chapter 12 verse three, where it says a man will not be established by wickedness. How many times have you seen a wicked person sit in favor for generational periods of time. Look at people like Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, they always get uprooted and removed.

They seldom stay on the throne forever or for long periods of time. This is because God does not establish wickedness.

On the polar side of this it says that the root of the righteous will not be moved. If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice righteous people are hardly moved. Even though bad things happen to all types of people from those who are humble those who are massively prideful, to the wicked to the righteous, you will notice that the righteous are always rooted in their righteousness.

The Root of the Righteous

Righteous people are going to stand on what to God of Israel teaches them to do. They are going to stand on principles that are righteous in the sight of God and man.

Brothers and sisters, readers I want you to remember that righteous people are not moved, and the reason why is because they serve an awesome God. The root of the righteous keeps them unmoveable!

If things in your life seems so up and down, left and right, bouncing around like you are in the washer or drying machine, you need to take a moment and step away and dig into your righteousness.

Your righteousness is in the God of Israel, even Jesus. God bless you today and will see you next time in Jesus name amen.




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